Transmitter worn on the belt (shown above) when activated sends a signal to the receiver unit (shown to the right) instantly shuts electrical power off to augers inside the bin.

Fox-paws Model 400 installed on the electrical system for this farm storage
If you have on-farm or commercial storage, the floor and sweep augers are very dangerous! Many people have had serious injuries or even died because of accidents working in grain bins. The Fox-Paws Model 400 pictured installed in the electrical power supply will instantly turn off electrical power to augers, grain legs, drag changes, belts etc. If you work by yourself, who will turn off power to the motor powering the equipment? Time is very critical to prevent injuries.
Use of Fox-Paws emergency shutoff devices when used properly can prevent: Entanglement injuries, amputations, loss of life, equipment damage and possible expensive liability lawsuits.

Don’t let this happen to you! Don’t get caught in a floor sweep auger.

I personally know a man who lost his leg when he stepped into the floor auger in a bin.
About the Inventor
The inventor of this safety product still farms. He has unloaded his grain bins many times through the years, mostly by himself. This product was developed for others because he was entangled in a piece of equipment on his farm and this product saved his life. Why expose you or your employees if there is a safer way? So many young people have been seriously injured for life because of entanglements around equipment working on the farm.